The acronym “BIPOC” originated in the United States and stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. The term is used to highlight the specific discrimination and racial injustice that Black communities and Indigenous communities face and acknowledge that these communities face injustices that other groups may not. While this acronym is also used in Canada, the term IBPOC has recently gained popularity in its place. IBPOC has the same meaning as BIPOC, although it places Indigenous communities at the forefront, acknowledging their experience and unique relationship to whiteness and colonialism in Canada. Recently, some scholars have turned away from using BIPOC or IBPOC, arguing that these acronyms conflate the lived experiences of racialized groups into one catch-all category.
Sources and Further Reading:
Bennett, Mary. “IBPOC Caucus: What’s in a Name?” Vancouver Unitarians, 30 June 2021, www.vancouverunitarians.ca/ibpoc/.
Clarke, Chevaz. “BIPOC: What Does It Mean and Where Does It Come From?” CBS News, 2 July 2020, www.cbsnews.com/news/bipoc-meaning-where-does-it-come-from-2020-04-02/.
Daniel, Kearie. “Why BIPOC is an Inadequate Acronym.” Chatelaine, 12 Nov. 2020, www.chatelaine.com/opinion/what-is-bipoc/.
“IBPOC Artistic Practices” Primary Colours, www.primary-colours.ca/project_collections/21-ibpoc-artistic-practices.
“About Us.” The BIPOC Project, www.thebipocproject.org/about-us.