A hashtag used on social media by We See You, White American Theater (WSYWAT), a theatre collective created by a group of BIPOC theatremakers. Beginning with the release of an open letter in June 2020 titled “Dear White American Theater” that accumulated signatures from over 300 BIPOC artists in the theatre industry, WSYWAT’s goal is to address the deeply-rooted anti-Blackness and racism that BIPOC theatremakers continuously face in the industry. Since their initial statement, WSYWAT has released a living document listing their demands titled “BIPOC Demands for White American Theater,” a document detailing their “Principles for Building Anti-Racist Theater Systems,” as well as a “7-Month Accountability Report” on the actions taken by theatre companies to meet their demands. Since June 2020, WSYWAT’s Change.org petition has garnered over 105,000 signatures, and the movement continues to work to end the racism BIPOC theatremakers experience in American theatre. For more information, please visit weseeyouWAT.com for all documents and statements.
Sources and Further Reading:
We See You W.A.T, 2020, www.weseeyouwat.com/.
“About.” We See You W.A.T, 2020, www.weseeyouwat.com/about.
“Demand Change for BIPOC Theatremakers.” Change.org, 2020, www.change.org/p/white-american-theater-demand-change-for-bipoc-theatremakers.
Pierce, Jerald Raymond. “Not a Moment but a Movement: Toward an Anti-Racist American Theatre.” American Theatre, 15 July 2020, www.americantheatre.org/2020/07/15/not-a-moment-but-a-movement-toward-an-anti-racist-american-theatre/.
Samuel, Brittani. “We See You, White American Theater: Reflecting on the Collective’s Progress, Purpose, and Potential.” The Brooklyn Rail, brooklynrail.org/2021/05/theater/We-See-You-White-American-Theater-Reflecting-on-the-Collectives-Progress-Purpose-and-Potential.