Rachel Hannah Arnold
Shaking Up Shakespeare Interviewee
Accessibility Support - (Re)casting Shakespeare in Canada
Rachel Hannah Arnold is in her 4th year at York University pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in performance creation, specialising in devised theatre, playwriting, and directing! She is incredibly enthusiastic about the work she has been able to create at York, be a part of, and witness. Rachel has participated in York’s playGround Festival where she assistant directed Something Wicked (2020), and co-wrote, co-created, and performed in Crip Tonight Comedy Club (2022). Rachel has also had the privilege of participating in in-York shows such as The Antigone Play (2020), Audiotheatrica (2021) voice acting in Story Holder by Katie Kerekes, and writing two Sisters, Sigmund Freud, and a Spongebob Squarepants costume, on top of her personal favourite experience, writing Puberty Piece, which focuses on the experience of growing up as a queer women with epilepsy, and was showcased in York’s 2022 Living Labs under idol and national treasure Nina Lee Aquino. Rachel is thrilled to be working on a project that not only speaks to work she is passionate about, but holds space for people like her.