Cole Alvis
Shaking Up Shakespeare Interviewee
Alix is an artist who presently lives in Tkaronto. She has extensive experience as a professional actor, movement and intimacy director, and educator.
Some recent Intimacy credits include RENT, Much Ado About Nothing, Wedding Band, Hamlet (Stratford Festival); All the Lost Ones (Netflix); Gwen Shamblin: Starving for Salvation (Lifetime); Sin and Sorrow are Common to All, The Judas Kiss (Talk is Free Theatre); Pomegranate Opera (Buddies in Bad Times); The Seagull (Waterloo University); Let it Enfold You, Lunch (University of Toronto); Yellow Wallpaper, Trials of a Ladies Man (Brock University).
Alix is vice-chair on the board of the National Society of Intimacy Professionals and teaches Intimacy, Consent, and Somatics workshops across the country. It is her heart’s mandate to help everyone feel grounded with sensitive material so that the strongest and most evocative stories can be shared with holistic artfulness.