Karen Fricker
Shaking Up Shakespeare Interviewee
Karen Fricker is Adjunct Professor of Dramatic Arts at Brock University, theatre critic at the Toronto Star, and editorial advisor at Intermission magazine. Her monograph The Original Stage Productions of Robert Lepage: Making Theatre Global won the Canadian Association of Theatre Research’s Ann Saddlemyer Award for the best book on a Canadian subject in 2021-22. With Charles R. Batson she is co-founder of the Circus and its Others research project, and she also researches theatre criticism in the digital age. She is co-Knowledge Mobilization Lead for Staging Better Futures/Mettre en scène de meilleurs avenirs (SBF/MSMA), a national, cross-sectoral partnership created to intervene in systems that shape theatre and performance education at Canadian colleges and universities, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.