Sturla Alvsvaag
Shaking Up Shakespeare Interviewee
Sturla Alvsvaag is an actor and theatre-maker from Bergen, Norway. A graduate of Ecole Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris, Sturla has created and performed with companies from across Australia, France, Norway and Canada. Select works include: Traversèe de la Riviére (Collectif 2222, France), Il Turco In Italia (Bergen National Opera, directed by Mark Lamos) and Wendy and Peter Pan (The National Theatre of Norway). Sturla is also the Co-Artistic Director of YVA Theatre Company with whom he has acted, co-created and produced The Nose (commissioned by the MiniMidiMaxi Festival), and The First Time I Saw the Sea (Frontlosje-festivalen). In Canada, Sturla is working with Why Not Theatre and 1S1 Collective on a new adaptation of Lady Macbeth. In September 2021 he will perform in the world premiere of What You Won’t Do For Love starring David Suzuki and Tara Cullis, produced by Why Not Theatre.