CASTING: Usually undertaken by a production’s director or casting director, “casting” is the process of selecting and hiring actors for roles in a theatrical production, film, television series, or other performance. By casting specific actors to play certain parts, the director or casting director can shape the story in their Continue Reading
Coalitional Casting
COALITIONAL CASTING: A term coined by Brown University professor Patricia Ybarra, “coalitional casting,” refers to a casting strategy that educational and training institutions can use when mounting a production with actors who may not align with the cultural identities and experiences of the characters they are expected to play. Ybarra Continue Reading
Colour-Blind Casting
COLOUR-BLIND CASTING: Although the terms “colour-blind” and “race-blind” carry ableist connotations, they are popularly used to describe the practice of attempting to ignore the race of the performers during and after the casting process. In shows that are cast using this strategy, the performers’ race does not change the race Continue Reading
Colour-Conscious Casting
COLOUR-CONSCIOUS CASTING: Also known as “race-conscious casting,” this is the practice of actively acknowledging the race of the performers during the casting/rehearsal process. This approach differs from “colour-blind casting” in that rather than attempting to ignore the actors’ race during the casting process, the actors’ race is actively acknowledged and Continue Reading
COUNTER-CASTING: The practice of casting bodies in roles that they would not have played “traditionally” in an attempt to change the story that is being told and provide a different take on the same story by challenging the audience’s expectations. In her 2020 book, Shakespearean Futures: Casting the Bodies of Continue Reading
“Cripping Up”
“CRIPPING UP”: Coined by playwright Kaite O’Reilly, “cripping up” refers to the act of a non-disabled/ able-bodied person acting like they have a disability when they do not. In regards to casting, this often takes the form of non-disabled actors playing characters with physical disabilities (e.g. Kevin McHale playing Artie Continue Reading
Identity-Conscious Casting
IDENTITY-CONSCIOUS CASTING: Recent scholarship suggests that conscious casting should go past the colour-conscious and instead use “identity-conscious casting.” This term refers to consciously acknowledging an actor’s identity in relation to the play text during and after the casting process. Using “identity-conscious casting,” directors and casting directors can use the actor’s Continue Reading
#INTHEDRESSINGROOM: Spearheaded by Black artists at the Stratford Festival, the #inthedressingroom conversation began in 2020 on Twitter as a platform for Black artists to have their voices heard regarding the racism and injustice they have historically faced and continue to face in the Canadian theatre industry. In early June of Continue Reading
Gender-Blind Casting
GENDER-BLIND CASTING: As with “colour-blind casting,” this term has ableist connotations, though it has been used to describe the practice of casting actors to play roles whose gender identity is different from their own. The most significant difference between “gender-swapped” or “gender-conscious” casting and “gender-blind casting” is the director’s intention. Continue Reading
Gender-Swapped Casting
GENDER-SWAPPED CASTING: Also sometimes referred to as “gender-conscious casting” and “cross-gender casting,” this is the practice of casting performers of different genders in roles written as or traditionally played by someone of another gender, typically male. This concept is different from “gender-blind casting,” as “gender-swapped casting” reimagines the role using Continue Reading
GHOSTING: The term “ghosting” was first introduced by theatre and performance studies scholar Marvin Carlson in his book The Haunted Stage (2003). In it, he argues that an actor’s previous onstage roles will seep through to their current characters and influence how the audience views their performance. This can either Continue Reading
Non-Traditional Casting
NON-TRADITIONAL CASTING: A broad term for the concept of casting actors in roles that defy “traditional” racial, gender, and ability boundaries and encompasses four specific approaches to casting: Colour-blind Casting, Conceptual Casting, Cross-Cultural Casting, and Societal Casting. This concept was first introduced at the Actor’s Equity sponsored First National Symposium Continue Reading
Recuperative Casting
RECUPERATIVE CASTING: A casting strategy identified by scholar Lindsay Mantoan which works against the common whitewashing of canonical texts. Instead of recasting the same white characters from a specific show with a diverse group of actors, Mantoan suggests that directors can use “recuperative casting” to change the characters’ identities and Continue Reading
Stunt Casting
STUNT CASTING: In theatre, film, and television, the term “stunt casting” can be used to describe the casting of a celebrity in a production purely to create publicity and sell more tickets. In theatre, stunt casting typically takes the form of casting a movie star or television celebrity in a Continue Reading
TYPECASTING: A casting strategy which has slightly different definitions depending on the context and intent behind its use. “Typecasting” can involve choosing actors for roles based on generalizations about their appearance or stereotypes about the cultural or ethnic group they identify as belonging to. It can also include casting actors Continue Reading
WHITEFACE: The act of a performer purposefully whitening or lightening their skin tone, adopting or performing gestures, language, clothing, and depicting certain “social entitlements” that are identified with whiteness to be perceived as white onstage or portray ideas of whiteness. As scholar Dr. Marvin McAllister suggests, whiteface performance is tied Continue Reading
WHITEWASHING: When used in the theatrical sense, “whitewashing” results from using non-traditional casting to cast white actors in roles that are written to be non-white characters. Whitewashing effectively erases the racial and ethnic identity and overwrites the cultural significance of the role. For more, please see Hererra, Guin, Morikawa. Sources Continue Reading
YELLOWFACE: The offensive practice of using makeup, costumes, movements, music, accents in an attempt to portray a stereotyped depiction of Asianness. This practice is typically performed by non-Asian actors and can take the form of performers wearing eye make-up/prostheses to give their eyes the appearance of being more slanted; using Continue Reading